Make Up and Skin Care

Senin, 09 Maret 2015


Ini bukan lagi ngerjain tugas peer bahasa indonesia yang disuruh sama guru :p

1. Bangun jam 5 pagi
2. Solat Subuh
3. Mandi
4. Bikin sarapan buat suami
5. Bangunin suami
6. Nyiapin baju kerja suami
7. Jam 6 pagi suami berangkat kerja
8. Nyiapin sarapan buat anak terus nyuapin
9. Nunggu mamang sayur
10. Mandiin anak
11. Nyiapin bekel + baju anak sekolah
12. Dandan sebelum ke kerja
13. Siap-siap berangkat kerja
14. Jam 07.30 nganterin anak ke sekolah
15. Jam 08.30 nyampe di tempat kerja
16. Jam 08.30 - 15.00 menghabiskan waktu ditempat kerja (kadang kerja, kadang internetan, kadang ngepoin akun orang :p)
17. Pulang kerja jam 15.00 wib
18. Sampe rumah jam 16.00 wib
19. Jam 16.00 jemput anak di sekolah
20. Masak nasi atau masak apapun yang bahannya ada di kulkas
21. Mandi sore
22. Jam 18.00 suami pulang
23. Makan malam bareng, kadang dirumah, kadang di luar
24. Main sama anak
25. Ngobrol sama suami
26. Skip
27. Tidur
28. Zzzzz......................

Being a mom is the best experience that a woman has in her lifetime. Giving birth to children, starting a family and raising your kids is a wholesome learning and satisfying experience. Working moms lead a hectic life because they have to cater to their job commitments as well as family commitments at the same time. Working moms find it tough to achieve work-life balance. Nevertheless, motherhood is something that everyone woman waits to experience and live. Being a woman you need to be hard and soft both. You need to be hard at times to your kids whenever you feel they are going off the track and they need to be corrected. You should rebuke them whenever the need arises. Mothers should play their role just perfectly so as to raise their kids well and make them understand their role, duties and responsibilities.
I love being a mom and I love being a friend to my husband as well.”

Happy International Women's Day